Difficulties of being young, reflections on anti‑aging


  • Ewa Mojs Chair and Department of Clinical Psychology, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland




aesthetic, medicine, psychology, motivational factors, anti aging


Youth is undeniably a positive value, something that we consider to be good and which we would like to possess forever. However, time prevents us from it. We are getting older. Ageing is a process affecting every living organism, without exception, and death is a natural part of life. The aim of this work is to present cultural and psychological conditions for the development of aesthetic medicine. Progress in this area contributes to achieving the objectives of maintaining a young appearance. However, the technology development may result in some health issues. The use of aesthetic medicine treatments is influenced by motivational mechanisms, which are responsible for activating, directing, maintaining and ending the behaviour.
Sometimes, however, these mechanisms are disrupted and there may be an increase in forced activities and addiction. Advances in medicine therefore require the development of gold standards of practice. They should be aimed at improving people's health, but also at stopping the aging process, prolonging life, adding healthy years to life. Therefore, we should look for methods of preserving youth, physical, mental, emotional, naturalness, activity and self‑awareness. And these should not be separable objectives.


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How to Cite

Difficulties of being young, reflections on anti‑aging. JoFA [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];2(1):9-20. Available from: https://jofa.ump.edu.pl/index.php/jofa/article/view/8