Assessment of facial surface tension after CGF Harmony treatment – preliminary report


  • Monika Łącka Clinic of Facial Aesthetics UCSiMS Ltd., Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
  • Oskar Komisarek University Center of Dentistry and Specialist Medicine in Poznan, Poland
  • Anna Luchowska University Center of Dentistry and Specialist Medicine in Poznan, Poland
  • Weronika Kawałkiewicz Departament of Biophysics, Chair of Biophysics, Poznan University of Medical Science, Poland
  • Teresa Matthews‑Brzozowska Departament of Orthodontics and Masticatory Organ Dysfunction, Poznan University of Medical Science, Poland



sEMG, surface electromyography, facial aesthetics, CGF


Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of the Clinical Direct Transmission System device and photographic medical documentation to assess the improvement in the skin of the face and hands before and after a one‑time CGF Harmony treatment.
Material and methods. The study, after signing a voluntary informed consent, was attended by 3 patients of the Facial Aesthetics Clinic of the University Center of Dentistry and Specialist Medicine of the limited liability company. in Poznan. Once, in accordance with the procedure, a complex of stem cells and growth factors (CGF Harmony – in liquid and gel form) was administered to the area of the facial skin and the gel skin to the area of the dorsal surface of the hands. The observation period was 12 months, from the moment of the procedure, including control tests at several stages: before the procedure, immediately after administration, and approximately 6 and 12 months after the application.
Results. The study showed no statistically significant differences in the surface tension of facial expressive muscles with a single application of CGF Harmony for most of the measurements.
Conclusions. The analyzis of the photographic documentation and the subjective assessment of the patients, showed that the treatment turned out to be beneficial in terms of improving the quality of the facial skin and exceptionally beneficial in the area of the skin of the hands, which requires confirmation in further studies with a larger study group. There were no statistically significant changes in the facial expression muscles surface tension after the CGF Harmony procedure.


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How to Cite

Assessment of facial surface tension after CGF Harmony treatment – preliminary report. JoFA [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(2):83-9. Available from: