Thermographic profile of the face before treatment with autologous preparation – a preliminary report




heat emission, emissionfacial aesthetics


The paper presents a thermographic image of the face of a 30-year-old patient before an autologous procedure using her own blood (CGF-Harmony) in the upper and middle parts of the face. The thermographic method is non-invasive, safe and non-contact. The possibility of using thermography in aesthetic medicine is important because it brings certain values, but one should be aware of the existence of certain limitations in thermography tests, resulting from many factors such as diet, use of various cosmetics, other environmental conditions and others.


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Case study

How to Cite

Thermographic profile of the face before treatment with autologous preparation – a preliminary report. JoFA [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(2):107-11. Available from: